Eat right – Feed right

Lactation Cookies – DELICIOUS Lactation Cookies– Boost Breast milk Supply!
Your nutrition is important for breastfeeding. It affects the quality of your milk, your milk supply and supplies all essential nutrients for your baby. However, postpartum fatigue kicks in eventually and soon we are reaching for quick and easy fixes to satisfy our hunger. The problem is when we lack of sleep it can cause us to crave foods that are high in sugar so the body can sustain all day energy. Foods high in sugar can deplete our trace minerals such as manganese, chromium, magnesium and zinc. These minerals are involved in the breakdown of complex carbs, and when the body is well fed, it ensures a constant supply of glucose and the energy our body needs to keep us energized all day long. Here are some Lactation Cookies to help sustain your energy, keep your milk supply up and perhaps help lose some of the extra baby weight:
What is a lactation cookie exactly? It’s a cookie that has a few key ingredients that promote lactation, or increase a nursing mom’s milk supply.
Lactation Cookies is ideal for breastfeeding mothers who want to boost their breast milk supply.
Our cookies contain all the key ingredients that help our bodies to produce more milk. Each time you eat a cookie, as well as drink the water you need, and nurse your baby, you are building a bigger supply. Please do not be alarmed if you start to produce a lot! Freezing milk is highly recommended. We all need a night out.
A) Fennel Seeds
Fennel seed nutrition facts
Fennel seeds increase milk supply. Some doctors also say that fennel seeds help prevent colic in your baby. They are rich in vitamin C. Besides, they are a good mouth freshener and aid digestion. Fennel seeds can be added to vegetables, and desserts.
Health benefits of fennel seeds
Fennel symbolizes longevity, courage, and strength. In addition to its use as medicinal values, fennel has much health benefiting nutrients, essential compounds, anti-oxidants, dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins.
Fennel seeds indeed contain numerous flavonoid anti-oxidants which function as powerful anti-oxidants by removing harmful free radicals from the body thus protect from cancers, infection, aging and degenerative neurological diseases.
Fennel seeds too are rich source of dietary fiber. Much of this roughage is metabolically inert insoluble fiber, which helps increase bulk of the food by absorbing water throughout the digestive system and easing constipation condition.
In addition, dietary fibers bind to bile salts (produced from cholesterol) and decrease their re-absorption in colon, thus help lower serum LDL cholesterol levels. Together with flavonoid anti-oxidants, fiber composition of fennel helps protect the colon mucus membrane from cancers.
Fennel seeds compose of health benefiting volatile essential oil These active principles in the fennel are known to have antioxidant, digestive, carminative, and anti-flatulent properties.
Fennel seeds are concentrated source of minerals like copper, iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, selenium, zinc, and magnesium. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells. Iron is required for red blood cell formation. Zinc is a co-factor in many enzymes that regulate growth and development, sperm generation, digestion and nucleic acid synthesis. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the powerful anti-oxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.
Furthermore, the seeds indeed are the storehouse for many vital vitamins. Vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C as well as many B-complex vitamins like thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin and niacin particularly are concentrated in these seeds.
B) Brewers Yeast
Health Benefits of Brewers Yeast
Made from a fungus, brewer’s yeast is highly nutritious. It contains iron, protein, and B vitamins, as well as chromium, selenium and other trace minerals. It is also believed to be a galactagogue used by nursing mothers to help make more breast milk
Brewer’s Yeast and Breastfeeding
Brewer’s Yeast and Increasing Breast Milk Supply
Brewer’s yeast is often recommended as a nutritional supplement during breastfeeding. It is used to increase the supply of breast milk, but it is also believed to help combat fatigue and fight off the baby blues. Brewer’s yeast does pass to the baby through breast milk and is generally well-tolerated.
Other Health Benefits of Brewer’s Yeast
It contains chromium, which may help lower blood sugar levels for people with diabetes.
Some studies show that it may help lower cholesterol levels.
It is believed to help nourish the skin and hair.
It is taken to increase energy levels and boost mood.
C) Flaxseed
Increased Milk Supply?
Flaxseed oil is indeed safe for breastfeeding moms. In fact, some women take it to increase their milk supply. Flax oil has some of the properties of a galactagogue: an herbal remedy that boosts milk production in lactating women. Some women whose milk supply is impacted by the lack of fatty acids in their diet may notice an increase in production if they use flax oil regularly.
D) Oats
Oatmeal for increasing milk supply
Many working moms have noticed that on the days they eat oatmeal for breakfast, they can pump more milk than on the days they eat something else. In some countries, “traditional wisdom” recommends eating oatmeal as a way to increase milk supply. A number of lactation consultants recommend eating oatmeal as a way to increase supply.
Some explanations:
Oatmeal is is a good source of iron. It is known that maternal anemia/low iron levels can result in a decreased milk supply, so it makes sense that eating something high in iron might increase milk supply in some women.
Oatmeal is a comfort food for many women. Anything that increases relaxation in mom can encourage let-down, and hence also influence milk supply.
A use that some of the milk-increasing herbs share is that of decreasing cholesterol levels. Herbs used for both increasing milk production and decreasing cholesterol levels include fenugreek and alfalfa. Oat bran, which is in oatmeal, is also known to help lower cholesterol.
E) Wheat Germ
Zinc is involved in over 200 enzyme functions and is important for every aspect of immune health, reproductive health and breastfeeding. Zinc can help protect cracked nipples, and may help ease the baby blues or even postpartum depression. Your level of zinc absorption is nearly twice as high during lactation as it is prior to conception and the amount of milk your baby absorbs is also high. If you see some whites on your nails, it most likely means you have a zinc deficiency.
F) Dill seeds
Dill is a good source of iron, manganese and calcium. It is believed to improve milk supply, digestion and sleep.
Dill seeds are also known to stimulate milk production in nursing mothers, as well as helping to alleviate menstrual symptoms, including pain.
Baby Colic and Gas Relief Using Dill seeds
Baby colic and/or painful gas can be a nightmare for parents
Dill contains certain compounds which help to fight bacteria in the digestive tract and have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the gastrointestinal system. For this reason, dill was used as a remedy for baby colic as early as the mid-19th century. Today dill is used to relieve digestive problems in infants.
Nutritional Benefits:
Some of the additional nutritional benefits of dill include;
Dill provides zinc, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C which are all beneficial for breastfeeding mothers. Zinc helps to ensure proper release of prolactin, the hormone which regulates milk production in the breasts. A healthy iron intake is necessary after pregnancy because of the blood loss and flow of nutrients to the developing baby. Vitamin A aids in body repair while vitamin C helps to maintain good health of the skin. Both these functions are necessary since the body undergoes significant changes during pregnancy.
Dill does not contain any cholesterol and is low in calories. It is a good addition to weight loss diets because it contains vitamins and dietary fibers which further help to bring down the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.
Dill is beneficial for those who suffer from intestinal spasms, gas and indigestion.
G) Carob powder:
It is derived from the carob kibbles following a further, fine grinding process. It is high in protein offering an effective and close substitute to cocoa. Carob powder has a number of advantages over Cocoa powder and as such is often used to make what has come to be known as the ‘healthy chocolate’. Carob powder is free of the allergenic and addictive effects of caffeine and theobromine present in Cocoa. It also contains less fat and more sugar than Cocoa. In this manner, carob powder has become a popular chocolate substitute used in a huge variety of confectionery products and drinks as well as a general natural sweetener meaning that fewer quantities of refined sugars need to be used in sweetening carob made lactation cookies.
What makes Lactation Cookies special?
We use food galactogogues—foods that can increase milk supply—including oatmeal, whole wheat flour, Brewers yeast, and wheat germ.
How many cookies should I eat?
Most moms notice a difference after one cookie, but sometimes it’s helpful to get a jump-start with two cookies. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water.
How do I store the cookies?
If you’re going to be eating your cookies within two weeks, no special storage is necessary. If you plan to make your cookies last longer than two weeks, we recommend storing them in the freezer to ensure the best possible taste. The cookies will last up to six weeks out of the freezer, but since we don’t use any preservatives, they’ll taste best if eaten sooner.
Do you use preservatives?
No. We want our cookies to be as healthy and natural as possible, so we don’t put anything in them we wouldn’t want our kids to eat. That includes preservatives!
How long does it take for the cookies to work?
It varies from person to person, but most moms see results within 24 hours.
Can my husband/significant other/kids/other nonlactating people eat these cookies?
Of course! They’re delicious and full of whole grains. In fact, many customers report that they have to hide them from their family.