Cinnamon has many health benefits from being a powerful antioxidant to keeping blood sugar levels balanced. Use in sweet and savoury cooking such as fragrant style curries. Use in baking or spri..
Refined pale pink crystal salt from the foothills of the Himalayas. Additive free and hand harvested, this pink salt has a higher mineral content than regular sea salt. Suitable for cooking and therap..
A winning combination of 3 seeds that offer a good dose of Omega 3 essential fats and fibre. Miracle Plus Plus can be enjoyed on its own as a cereal or used in bakes, cakes, crackers or homemade bread..
A tiny dark grey/black coloured seed derived from the poppy flower that has a nutty pleasant taste and is generally used in baking for its appearance and crunch. They contain many plant derived ..
A nutty tasting Gluten Free & protein packed grain that looks a little like couscous and is as versatile as rice. Easy and quick to prepare and a nutritious addition to any meal. Apart from being ..
Molasses is a nutritious by-product of the sugar refining process which is useful as an alternative sweetener to refined cane sugar and it contains a number of essential minerals. Sweet Molasses is th..