Bottled in molo town, bordering the Mau forest, keringet mineral water comes in its purest of forms, this having been processed at an altitude of 8000 metres above sea level. Keringet water whic..
Indulge in an inviting deeper and ticher tea experience offering a hint of toffe with Ketepa Pride’s Caramel flavor blended premium tea offering you a crispy cup if tea. When brewed it gives an exciti..
An exclusive blend, Ketepa Pride’s finest tea gives instant warmth and an aromatic lift. Expertly blended with the spicy island Cinnamon makes it rich, sweet and indulging. Enjoy it steaming hor ot si..
This wonderful tea is full of nourishing herbs – cardamom, lemon grass, fennel seeds & verbena – that helps to treat gas, indigestion, certain types of constipation and other digestive disturbance..
Earl Grey is a versatile tea, at it’s best in the afternoon or after dinner. Delicious and flavourful plain, it may also be served with sugar. Plus, it makes a wonderfull, refreshing iced tea. Aceremo..
Is a perfect fruity punch and a deep sweetness masked with a tropical tinge of highly grown Ketepa Pride teas. With every tongue tingling sip you experience the ever green tropical rain forest wildern..