Good Night Sleep

If you grew up where I did then you will understand the very strict ritual that our parents enforced of shutting the windows by 6 pm so that the mosquitoes do not enter” But even with such precautions at hand and the spoilt weekends where instead of going for football we were made to slush the tall grass in our neighborhood to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes.
We went through many a task in the name of keeping ourselves safe from the dreaded parasite. Unfortunately, we still fell sick and had to take the most bitter of pills to cure this disease and some of us were not so lucky as swallowing pills was an almost impossible task because the tablet always felt bigger than the throat it was meant to go through. It’s no wonder my mother would ask how I managed to swallow Ugali 4 x the size of the pill.
Now as an adult I have acquired my own rituals and myths, Chasing and slapping mosquitoes with my trusted slipper, spraying insecticides an hour before I sleep, windows closed by 5 pm, sleeping under the net which is the last resort due to my claustrophobia. And oh yeah, I believe if I sleep with the lights on, mosquitoes will opt for them rather than my warm body. So many solutions for one problem and all not working quite the way I want.
One fine day after chatting with friends and comparing what best works, I decided to try out a new product on the market my friend swore by. It’s a simple gadget that you plug into the wall put on the mosquito chip and switch it on. I can now sit comfortably in my house, work late, crack open the window on a hot night, and mosquitoes are kept at bay.
Mossi chips. They are affordable, simple to use, and give a polite aromatherapy throughout the night. It's a game-changer when it comes to fighting mosquitoes and really economical because a 30-day pack cost less than 300 which means you spend less than 10 bob a day to keep your family safe. Try it out and you will attest of this wonder.