A Guide to Choosing the Right Baby Formula
Post by: Emart Kenya
Created Date: Thu, Jan 1, 1970
Breast Feeding Is Best For Your Baby
While breastfeeding is ideal for your baby's nutrition, as a mom, there may be times when work or other commitments require you to explore alternative options like baby formula. When choosing baby formula, prioritize what is affordable and consult your child's doctor before making a decision. Each formula can react differently for each child. Here are some factors to consider while choosing a baby milk:
The Baby's Age:
For infants under six months, start with a "starter formula." These are typically labeled as 0-6 months or Stage 1 and may also include the word "Infant" on the packaging.
For babies between six and twelve months, you can continue with starter formulas or transition to "follow-on formulas." These are typically labeled as 6-12 months or Stage 2 and may use the term "Follow-on" on the packaging. Examples include: Kendamil Follow-On Milk 6-12 Months Stage 2 900g, Aptamil 2 Follow-On Formula 400g (Age 6-12 Months), Liptomil Plus 2 Follow-On Baby Formula 400g, Nan Optipro Follow-Up Formula 6-12 Months 400g, S-26 Gold Promil 2 Infant Milk 6-12 Months 400g, and SMA Pro Follow-On Milk 6+ Months 800g just to name a few.
At one year, growing-up milk becomes an option, though it is not mandatory. By this age, your baby is already eating solid foods. Liptogrow Plus 3 (Growing Up Formula). Always consult your child's doctor before introducing new formulas.
Special Dietary Needs:
Hypoallergenic Baby Formula is suitable from birth. It is a formula prescribed for babies with cow’s milk protein allergy. Hypoallergenic formulas contain fully hydrolyzed proteins and are labeled as Hypoallergenic Formula or HA. Example is Liptomil Plus Ha (Hypoallergenic - From Birth Onwards)
Lactose-Free Formula is for babies diagnosed with lactose intolerance. Symptoms may include stomach rumbling, cramps, bloating, diarrhea, and wind. Always consult your doctor before using a lactose-free formula. A perfect example is liptomil lactose free (LF) 400g. and France Lait Lactose free (LF) baby formula 400g
Comfort baby formula contains partially hydrolyzed proteins, making it easier for colic babies to digest. It is labeled as Comfort Milk or Colic on the packaging. Example is Kendamil Comfort Milk 800g 0-12 Months.
Anti-Reflux baby milk designed for babies experiencing frequent reflux or regurgitation, this thickened formula helps manage such conditions. It is suitable from birth to 12 months and can be included in a weaning diet from six months onward.
Goat milk formulas provide similar nutrition to cow’s milk formulas but are unsuitable for babies with cow’s milk protein allergy. Examples include Danalac goat and Nannycare Baby Formula.
Preparation and Safety Tips:
Always read and follow the preparation instructions on the tin, as they may vary between formulas. If you have doubts, consult your child’s doctor. Additionally, give expressed breast milk separately from baby formula, prioritizing breast milk. Ensure all feeding equipment is clean and sterilized using boiling water or a commercial sterilizer.
Always Consult with your doctor before introducing or changing your baby’s formula.
E-Mart Kenya offers a wide range of products for mothers and babies, including baby bottles, baby wipes, toys, nipple creams and shields, sterilizers, diapers, baby food and baby formula, breast milk storage bags, and lactation supplements such as lactation cookies.
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